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Get Answers to Common Questions About Our AFFILIATE Program.

What are the Dr. Elaine’s™ Soil Food Web Foundation Courses (FC)?

This is the latest series of courses produced by Dr. Elaine Ingham, the foremost soil biologist in the world. The Foundation Courses are designed to provide students with a solid understanding of how Soil Biology can be employed to rapidly regenerate soil, resulting in greater productivity and profitability for farmers, while simultaneously protecting the environment.
You can read more about the FC here:

How much does the FC cost?

The normal cost of the FC is $5,000.

What is expected of me as an affiliate?

The goal is for you to help us spread awareness about the benefits of the Soil Food Web while also earning a referral fee. As an affiliate, you’d receive marketing materials from us for use on your social media, blog and email marketing channels, using your unique referral link to track your sales. We will periodically send you promotional materials for you to use during promotional periods. You are under no obligation to publish any materials at any time.

What benefits would I receive by being an affiliate?

For each person who signs up for one of our paid programs using your referral link, you’d receive a commission of 10%.

So, for example, if you generate 20 sales at $5,000 you’d receive a commission of 20 X $500 = $10,000!

Does it cost me anything to be an affiliate?

No, you never have to pay anything. We’ve done all the heavy lifting by preparing graphics and email drafts, so all it takes is a few minutes to reach out to your audience.

What do I need to get started?

Once you have registered with us, by signing the affiliate agreement, we will provide you with all the marketing materials you’ll need to succeed, plus a video tutorial on how to use the Affiliate Portal.

How many hours do I have to work?

It only takes a few minutes to send out an email or make a social media post because we provide the content: email drafts and social posts, complete with graphics and text. Your daily schedule is your choice!

How do I sign up?

You can sign up for Dr. Elaine’s™ Soil Food Web School Affiliate Program by completing the sign-up form and the Affiliate Agreement.

How often will I get emails from Soil Food Web School?

You will receive emails from us to announce new promotions, to notify you of any important information, and to distribute new marketing materials, as well as to notify you if you have made any sales.

Who can I contact with further questions?

Please email us at [email protected] with any further questions. We’d be happy to help!

What technical skills do I need to become an Affiliate?

If you can use your Facebook page, other social media and email, you’ve got this! Simply grab a graphic, select some text, paste in your unique referral link and hit send or post. If you need some assistance with this, then we can provide you with further information to help you get started.

Do I get paid if I enroll into the Dr. Elaine's™ Foundation Courses myself?

No, commissions are only paid for referring new students. 

I do not reside in the USA. Can I promote Dr. Elaine's™ Soil Food Web School products on my non-English website?

We currently have affiliates in many parts of the world.

What if I am interested in spreading the word about the Soil Food Web School but do not wish to join the Affiliate Program??

Please feel free to share our videos, testimonials and animations, which can be found on our YouTube channel.
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